Tuesday, October 25, 2016

7th and 8th ELA:
Both reading classes will be having chapters 6-10 tests early next week.
The students are completing their persuasive essays.

7th Math:
There will be a quiz on Thursday, on the topics of reducing fractions
and changing a fraction into a decimal.

8th Math:
Currently, the students are learning about adding and subtracting integers.
There will be a quiz early next week.

Monday, October 17, 2016

ELA 7th and 8th:
Students are currently writing persuasive essays.
7th Grade is continuing to read A Mango Shaped Space
8th grade is continuing to read The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

7th Math:

The students are learning how to: change fractions into decimals using long division, add and subtract rational numbers.

Quiz early next week

8th Math:

The students are learning how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide with scientific notation.

Quiz Friday

Thursday, October 6, 2016

7th and 8th  Reading: will have Chapter 1-5 test Tuesday 10-11-16
7th and 8th Writing: learning how to write persuasive essays
Vocab sentences due every Thursday
Vocab tests are every Friday

**7th Math:
Currently learning about using the order of operations along with integer rules
Quiz Tuesday or Wednesday next week

**8th Math:
Currently learning about exponents and scientific notation
Quiz next Wednesday or Thursday